Selectboard – 3/3/22

Selectboard Present:      Cheryl Mayberry (Chair); Steven Dalessio; Peggy L. Pschirrer

CALL TO ORDER:  Ms. Mayberry called this Selectboard meeting via Zoom to order at 6:30 PM.  The Selectboard members were in three separate locations.   This meeting was being recorded.

Ms. Mayberry called for a voice roll call of the Selectboard present:  Steven Dalessio was present at his home in Drewsville; Peggy Pschirrer was present at her home in Walpole and Cheryl Mayberry was present at her home in North Walpole.  Also attending this meeting was Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration, at the Town Hall and Regina Borden, Recording Secretary, at a separate location.  There were no members of the public in attendance. 


Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Accounts Payable Check Register in the total amount of $14,880.31 for checks issued March 4, 2022.  This includes a payment in the amount of $8,183.65 to E.E. Houghton Company.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio.  On a voice roll call vote with Mrs. Pschirrer, Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved.


Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Payroll Check Register for the week ending February 26, 2022, in the amount of $28,603.35 for checks dated March 4, 2022, and for the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer in the amount of $5,950.69.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio.   On a voice roll call vote with Mrs. Pschirrer, Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved.


SELECTBOARD MEETING – February 24, 2022:  Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Minutes of the Selectboard meeting of February 24, 2022, as submitted.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio.  On a voice roll call vote with Mrs. Pschirrer, Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the Minutes were approved.

NON-PUBLIC SELECTBOARD SESSION – February 24, 2022:  Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard Session of February 24, 2022, as submitted.  These Minutes will remain sealed.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio.  On a voice roll call vote with Mrs. Pschirrer, Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the Minutes were approved.


The Selectboard acknowledged receipt of the following Committee reports:

  • Walpole Power Committee Meeting – February 15, 2022;
  • Walpole Police Committee Meeting – February 16, 2022;
  • Walpole Planning Board Meeting Minutes (updated) – February 8, 2022;
  • Walpole Planning Board Workshop Minutes – February 22, 2022.


MAP and LOT # 028-103-000:  Mrs. Pschirrer moved to grant the Property Tax Refund in the amount of $13.31 for the owner(s) of Map and Lot #028-103-000.  This is due to an overpayment of taxes.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio.  On a voice roll call vote with Mrs. Pschirrer, Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved.


Mr. Dalessio moved to grant the following Veteran Tax Credits for the owner(s) of:

  • Map and Lot #006-016-000 – this is for a Veterans’ Tax Credit;
  • Map and Lot #017-008-001 – this is for a Veterans’ Tax Credit;
  • Map and Lot #029-036-000 – this is for an All Veterans’ Tax Credit;

They all served over 90 days of active service and were Honorably Discharged.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer. 

Ms. Mayberry asked what the difference is between a “Veterans’ Tax Credit” and an “All Veterans’ Tax Credit.  Mrs. Downing explained that both get the $500 tax credit.  The Veterans’ Tax Credit is for veterans who served during a conflict and the All Veterans’ Tax Credit is for veterans who served during a time of a non-conflict.  On a voice roll call vote with Mr. Dalessio, Mrs. Pschirrer and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved. 


MAP and LOT #029-036-000:  Mr. Dalessio moved to grant the Solar Energy Exemption for the owner(s) of Map and Lot #029-036-000.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  On a voice roll call vote with Mr. Dalessio, Mrs. Pschirrer and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved.

Mr. Dalessio questioned if the applicants generate more than they use, how are they dealing with the tax credit?  Mrs. Downing talked to a few people who applied, and they claim they are just getting enough to run their homes and/or whatever is on their property.  They cannot get the grant money if the solar array produces more than they use.  With net metering, they are finding out that they might have to pay in a few dollars.  They are getting a statement at the end of the year.  A measurement is set-up.  This goes with the applicant.  Mr. Dalessio thinks that with the tax bill they should send out an affidavit to be signed and returned and to have the owner(s) give the Town a copy of the net metering statement.  They have some big producers in Town.  Mrs. Pschirrer noted that rules change.  Mr. Dalessio will continue his research.  


Piano on 2nd Floor of Town Hall:  Mr. Dalessio was fine with disposing of the piano.  Mrs. Pschirrer agreed.  At one point they could not even move it.  The Selectboard asked Mrs. Downing to advertise it as “free – provided you can move it out of the Town Hall” in the Clarion and Walpolean.  

Pending Further Actions:

Generators, Wooden Chairs in the Town Hall, Trees on the Common, Walpole Players Posters, Reservoir Dam, Houghton Brook Bridge, Parking Ordinance, Three Phase Power for Industrial Park Drive and Bensonwood.

Ordinances:  Mrs. Pschirrer has been reading the Parking Ordinance but the problem with all the Ordinances is they contain so many RSAs they are not easy for most people to read; she wants to re-write them in plain English but reference the RSAs. Mr. Dalessio agreed as long as they reference the RSAs.  Should they focus on the enforcement part first?  Mrs. Pschirrer agreed with Mr. Dalessio that tickets will be needed as a part of the Parking Ordinance enforcement.  Mr. Dalessio wants enforcement added to the Dog procedures too.  Ms. Mayberry agreed.

Staff Training Session:  The next Staff Training Session is scheduled for Thursday, March 17th at 5:00 PM.  Mrs. Downing asked if some employees will be able to attend at home or do they need to be in the Town Hall?  Mr. Dalessio suggested postponing the change-over from Zoom to in-person Selectboard meetings one more week so this Staff Training Session can be a Zoom meeting.  Mrs. Pschirrer and Ms. Mayberry agreed to schedule this as a Zoom meeting.


Mr. Dalessio moved to recess this Selectboard meeting.  The Selectboard will enter into a meeting as the Hooper Trustees.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  On a voice roll call vote with Mr. Dalessio, Mrs. Pschirrer and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved at 6:52 PM.

The regular Selectboard meeting reconvened at 6:57 PM.


Mr. Dalessio moved to enter into a Non-Public Selectboard Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel, (b) Hiring and (c) Reputations.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  On a voice roll call vote with Mr. Dalessio, Mrs. Pschirrer and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved at 6:58 PM.

The regular Selectboard meeting reconvened at 7:49 PM. 

Mrs. Pschirrer moved that the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard Session of March 3, 2022, will be sealed.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio.  On a voice roll call vote with Mrs. Pschirrer, Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the motion was approved.


Mrs. Pschirrer moved to adjourn this Selectboard meeting.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio.  Ms. Mayberry asked if there was any additional discussion.  There was none.  On a voice roll call vote with Mrs. Pschirrer, Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

4 thoughts on “Selectboard – 3/3/22

  1. Jan Hicks 03/11/2022 at 12:10 PM Reply

    What is the Solar Energy Exemption? Is it a property tax exemption?


    • Lil 03/11/2022 at 7:33 PM Reply

      Yes. It was voted at town meeting a few years ago – sorry I cam’t give you the year. Lil


      • Jan Hicks 03/11/2022 at 7:41 PM

        Thank you for your reply, Lil.


      • Lil 03/11/2022 at 7:42 PM



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