Category Archives: SELECTBOARD

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 2/15/24

Selectboard Present:  Peggy L Pschirrer, Chair; Cheryl Mayberry and Steven Dalessio

CALL TO ORDER:  Mrs. Pschirrer called this meeting of the Selectboard to order at 6:28 PM in the first-floor meeting room of the Walpole Town Hall. There were five representatives from National Grid including Kaytlynn Monroe, Rebecca Walkley, Jason Magoon (forestry) Corey Schutzman (environmental) and Bethany Rocha. Also present were Patrick Kiniry and Katherine Kopij and Rose Bolio from the North Walpole Village District and John Peska from the Conservation Commission.

RIVER VALLEY RELIABILTY PROJECT:  Kaytlynn Monroe of Hilltop Public Solutions introduced herself. She has been contracted by National Grid to work on this project. Bethany Rocha of National Grid, who focuses on outreach, reviewed the agenda of the history, project scope, benefits, etc.The transmission line runs from the Bellows Falls substation to the Wilder substation. Ms. Rocha explained that the W149 Transmission line was placed in service in 1948. Work would be done in National Grid’s existing right-of-way (ROW). Ms. Monroe reviewed the map. Walpole has the smallest section of the line. Ms. Rocha said there are 509 aging structures being replaced with 26 structures being replaced in Walpole over a 2 mile stretch of the ROW. The line will remain active during the project. There will be trees and vegetation removed where necessary. Ms. Monroe spoke to project benefits which include added property tax revenue. This line has significant trouble with tree contact and lightning strikes. Jason Magoon said that there would not be a drastic removal of trees in the North Walpole right-of-way. Ms. Monroe stated it was appropriately 7 acres of tree removal.

The project schedule began in the fall of 2023 with notifications, project website, local meeting, etc. There will be additional presentations as the project progresses. Construction and restoration will occur between Dec. 2026 to March 2030, which is subject to change. Mrs. Pschirrer asked about the notices. Ms. Rocha stated that abutters within 500 feet of the ROW were sent notices. Ms. Monroe explained there is a dedicated hotline number to call for any question or concerns. Ms. Mayberry asked if the project was occurring in North Walpole Village District. The map confirmed the line runs north along the westside of Fall Mountain. Ms. Schutzman explained the multitude of permits required for this large project. There would be time of year restrictions to protect the tri-color bats. Ms. Walkley spoke to the permitting path being either at the local or state citing process. Mr. Dalessio commented that the Town does not have a permitting process for such a large-scale project. The Town will rely on the State to grant the various permits. There was a discussion of the access points to the ROW. Ms. Monroe stated there will be more notifications and presentations as the project progresses to keep the community informed. Mr. Peska asked if the presenters were familiar with the bio-diversity study being conducted by Mr. Persad of Liberty Utilities. Mr. Magoon was familiar with the study. The study is not currently monitored this section of powerline.

At 6:59 PM the Selctboard paused to move into the Selectboard Office to continue the meeting. At 7:03 PM the Selectboard Meeting resumed.

NORTH WALPOLE UTILITY DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH WALPOLE WATER UTILITY: Mr. Kiniry explained that the shut off or on fee had increased to $30 for each action. Mrs. Pschirrer noted that no one would have their water shut off during the winter months. There was a discussion of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) rules. Ms. Mayberry commented that if the utilities cannot recoup their costs, other users end up paying. There will be multiple notices before the water service is shut off. Ms. Mayberry moved to accept the North Walpole Utility Discountenance of Service Agreement with Walpole Water Utility.  Seconded by Mr. Dalessio. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalesio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the Minutes were approved. The North Walpole Commissioners had approved the agreement at an earlier commissioners’ meeting.

At 7:15 PM, the North Walpole Village District Commissioners and Treasurer leave the meeting.


Mr. Dalessio moved to accept the Payroll Check Register for the week ending February 10, 2024, in the amount of $31,290.00dated February 16, 2024, and for the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer in the amount of $6,181.44.  Seconded by Ms. Mayberry.  With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


SELECTBOARD MEETING – February 8, 2024:  Mr. Dalessio moved to accept the Minutes of the Selectboard meeting of February 8, 2024, as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrerin favor, the Minutes were approved.

2024 TOWN BUDGET HEARING – February 8, 2024:  Mr. Dalessio moved to accept the Minutes of the 2024 Town Budget Hearing of February 8, 2024, as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the Minutes were approved.

SELECTBOARD NON-PUBLIC SESSION – February 8, 2024:  Mr. Dalessio moved to accept the Minutes of the Selectboard Non-Public Session of February 8, 2024, as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the Minutes were approved. The minutes are to remain sealed.


Mr. Dalessio moved to acknowledge the following board/committee/board meeting minutes:

• Trustees of Trust Funds Meeting –February 1, 2024

The chair so recognized.


Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the property tax refund for map and lot# 004-032-000 for $69.61. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the property tax refund for map and lot# 011-004-000 for $8.93. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the property tax refund for map and lot# 028-121-000 for $99.45. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the property tax refund for map and lot# 030-039-000 for $29.95. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the blind exemption for map and lot# 028-132-000. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


Pending Further Actions:  Parking PolicyGenerators, School and Old North Main Bridges/Culverts, School Street Drainage Project, Phase 3 Power for Industrial Drive and Bensonwood, Houghton Brook Bridge, Dog Ordinance

Selectboard Operational Guidelines: There was a consensus to table this item until next week’s meeting.

Meeting with SAU 29: A date and time to meet is still pending for the meeting.


Encumbering Funds Requests for Police Cruiser and Equipment: There was a consensus to table this item to next week. Research is being conducted regarding a purchase order for these items.

Groundwater Management Permit: Ms. Mayberry moved for the chair to sign the Groundwater Management Permit for the former Central Plating Brownfields site. Seconded by Mr. Dalessio. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrerin favor, the motion was approved.

Letters to Eagle Scouts: Ms. Mayberry moved to approve Eagle Scout letters for Braden and Thomas Haefner. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into a Hooper Trustees Meeting.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer. With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the motion was approved at 7:29 PM.

The Selectboard Meeting resumed at 7:43 PM.


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into a Non-Public Selectboard Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (e) Legal at 7:43 PM.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer. Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the motion was approved. These minutes are to remain sealed.

The regular Selectboard meeting reconvened at 7:50 PM.

Mrs. Pschirrer requested that the minutes remain sealed.


Ms. Mayberry moved to adjourn this Selectboard meeting.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  Mr. Dalessio asked if there was any additional discussion. There was none. With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Downing, Recording Secretary Pro Tempore


Selectboard Meeting Agenda – 2/22/24

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 2/8/24

Selectboard Present:  Peggy Pschirrer, Chair; Cheryl Mayberry and Steven Dalessio

Staff Present: Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration; Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary

Others Present: Jocelyn Barrett of Great River Hydro; Mark Houghton, Fire Chief

CALL TO ORDER:  Mrs. Pschirrer called this Selectboard meeting to order at 7:05 PM in the Selectboard Office of the Town Hall. She introduced herself, Peggy Pschirrer, Selectboard Chair, Cheryl Mayberry, Steve Dalessio, Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration, and Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary.  


Great River Hydro PILOT: Mrs. Pschirrer announced that Jocelyn Barrett from Great River Hydro was present. Ms. Barrett stated she was in attendance to introduce herself and to suggest a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) agreement with the Town. Mr. Dalessio commented on his concern that the future for tax increases is unknown. He described the projected increases in various taxes and stated his reluctance in doing a PILOT at the present time. 


Walpole Fire and EMS Building Renovation Presentation: Chief Houghton stated he was present to inform the Selectboard of a proposal to renovate the Fire Station. He presented visuals in explanation of the intended renovations and described the areas of need within the present Fire Station building structure. He fielded questions from the Selectboard in the presentation of the floorplan. Chief Houghton stated that the present department is completely on call and that the proposed renovations may allow for overnight and full-time staff. Chief Houghton believes that the Walpole Fire and EMS District will only need to bond $827,000. Mr. Dalessio asked how the grant accounting would be managed. Chief Houghton responded that it would be handled within the Fire District. Ms. Mayberry suggested that Chief Houghton clarify on the map where the renovations would be relevant to the adjacent streets. Chief Houghton said that the square footage would be increasing from 9,683 to 15,538.  

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Accounts Payable Check Register totaling $798,113.86 dated 2/09/24. This includes a $700,531.13 monthly payment to Fall Mountain Regional School District. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

PAYROLL: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Payroll Register totaling $31,562.86 dated 2/9/24 and the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer of $6,552.35. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


SELECTBOARD MEETING MINUTES, February 1, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Meeting minutes of February 1, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

SELECTBOARD NON-PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES, February 1, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Non-Public Meeting minutes of February 1, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved. The minutes will remain sealed. 


Mr. Dalessio brought the following committee reports to the chair’s attention.

   •​Police Building Committee Meeting – January 22, 2024

Mrs. Pschirrer acknowledged these reports.


Map and Lot# 003-082-000:  Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the refund for Map and Lot# 003-082-000 for NH Public Radio’s third payment for 2022 taxes. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 03-082-000:  Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the abatement for Map and Lot# 03-082-000 or $1,079.95 related to the interest. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberryand Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Op# 23-461-07 for Map and Lot# 013-057-000:  Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the timber taxwarrant for Op# 23-461-07 for Map and Lot# 013-057-000 for $4,942.68. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


2024 Warrant Article Listing: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that the Selectboard has a new warrant to sign. A last-minute petition warrant article was submitted which would ask the Town to adopt a policy that all voting be done by paper ballot with the ballots being hand-counted. She commented that this is a movement that is happening all over the State. Mr. Dalessio motioned to sign the 2024 warrant article listing as presented. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Letter to Kara Dexter: By consensus the Selectboard approved the letter to Kara Dexter. 

Fuss & O’Neill Proposal for Engineering Services: Mrs. Pschirrer motioned to have Mr. Dalessio sign the letter of agreement with Fuss & O’Neill for Reservoir Dam engineering services for $393,440 to be reimbursed to the Town from a grant. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mrs. Pschirrer, Ms. Mayberryand Mr. Dalessio in favor the motion was approved.

Graffiti: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that the graffiti was discussed at a recent conservation meeting. Chief Sanctuary has been made aware of the issue. The small gazebo that has been painted with graffiti which has been painted over. 

Houghton Brook Bridge Update: Mr. Dalessio stated that they are still working on the design.

Union and School Streets Drainage Project: Mr. Dalessio stated that the final plans for the project have been completed. He stated that the Town can get moving on this, but the final costs have not been received yet. 


Walpole Fire District Hearing Dates for the Budget and Bond is Feb. 22ndMrs. Pschirrer stated that the Fire District Public Hearing is 2/22/2024 at 7:00 PM. 

MS-636: Ms. Mayberry motioned to sign the MS-636. Seconded by Mr. Dalessio. With Ms. Mayberry,Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Encumbering Funds Request: By consensus the Selectboard agreed that $250,000 from Article 6 for the new 6-wheel truck be encumbered. 

Selectboard Operational Guidelines: Mr. Dalessio stated that before Mrs. Pschirrer leaves the Selectboard, the guidelines should be reviewed. This item was tabled until the next meeting. 

River Valley Transmission Line Upgrade: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that five representatives from National Grid will be present on 2/15/2024 to present on the River Valley Transmission Line upgrade.

Selectboard Meeting Date: The Selectboard agreed to meet on 3/6/2024 and for all the first Wednesdays of the month going forward.


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into Non-Public meeting at 8:24 p.m. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 8:25 PM. 

Mrs. Pschirrer declared the nonpublic minutes would be sealed. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into Hooper Trustees meeting at 8:25 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 8:31 PM. 


Mr. Dalessio moved to enter into Non-Public Session at 8:31 PM. Ms. Mayberry seconded. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 PM. 

Mrs. Pschirrer declared the non-public minutes would be sealed. 

Recycling: Ms. Mayberry stated that the Recycling Department would like to host a 2/17/2024 outdoor movie night for volunteers. Consensus of the Selectboard was to accept this request. 


Mrs. Pschirrer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:43 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary 

Town Budget Hearing – 2/8/24

Selectboard Present:  Peggy Pschirrer, Chair; Cheryl Mayberry and Steven Dalessio

Staff Present: Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration; Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary, Rich Kreissle, Manager of Finance; Mike Symonds, Road Agent; Justin Sanctuary, Police Chief; Ben Hoy, Recycling Dept. Manager; Jane Malmberg, Library Director; Meghan Hansson, Town Clerk and Tax Collector and Kraig Harlow, Recreation Director.

Others Present: Steve Varone, Treasurer; Paul Looney, Walpole Community Power Chair and over 35 members of the public.

CALL TO ORDER:  Mrs. Pschirrer called this meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the main meeting room of the Town Hall.

PRESENTATION: Mrs. Pschirrer discussed the format of the Budget Hearing, and noted how she would be calling on department managers to speak on their respective budgets. She informed those in attendance of the 3/16/2024 Town Meeting, wherein the warrants will be voted upon. Mrs. Pschirrer explained the process of working on the 2024 budget beginning the previous September, with meetings with department managers in December. Mrs. Pschirrer called attention to the 2024 budget being $4,766,717, up 3.84% from the previous year. She explained how health care costs increased by 15.6%, and that the general salary increase for Town staff is 3%. 

Mrs. Pschirrer spoke in relation to a warrant article that asks permission to buy 2.6 +/- acres of land for $200,000 coming from the unassigned fund balance. The land would be the site of a new police station.

Chief Sanctuary introduced himself to those in attendance. He briefly discussed the history of exploring the relocation of the Walpole Police Station. He commented that the most affordable option was to purchase land and build a new police station. Chief Sanctuary explained how the station would be centrally located and would assist in overall police response to calls for service. The land to be purchased has access to Upper Walpole Valley Road. Mr. Aldrich asked for further details. Mr. Dalessio stated that a building study committee was formed prior to COVID, and after reconvening and detailed discussions, it was determined that a new building was required. Mr. Dalessio commented that land is scarce in Walpole where the Town would want to build a new police station. Mr. Boas asked the Town about the rate per acre the Town is paying in comparison to what Dunkin Donuts paid. Mr. Dalessio responded that the Town wants to do borings on the site to ensure that a police station can be built upon that site. It was explained that the $200,000 is not the amount to be paid for the property alone.  It also covers additional costs associated with the purchase of the land for a new station. Ms. Bowry asked what was going to go in the building under discussion. Mr. Dalessio stated that potentially in September information will be available to share. Mr. Dalessio stated that architect Michael Petrovick has been hired to do a space study and conceptual drawings. 

Mr. Basora asked if there would be net proceeds from selling the existing station. Mr. Dalessio commented that the building may be contaminated, and that questions must be answered before any decision can be made on selling the current building. Mr. Aldrich stated his concerns that he has never called the police in the 46 years he has lived in Town and wondered if a new station was needed. Chief Sanctuary stated that he would allow interested people to tour the station and go for a ride-a-long with an officer. Mr. Therrien commented that he has called the police since moving to Town and they were very helpful.

Ms. Andros asked about the design of the building, and asked if there are any designs. Chief Sanctuary stated that a design has not been created, but needs for the building have been identified. Mrs. Pschirrer clarified that at the Women of Walpole (WOW) that Ms. Andros attended, observations of necessary design elements were discussed, but not actual specific designs.

Mrs. Sommer stated that people are hearing about a wish-list and that this is troubling people. Mr. Dalessio stated that if there are questions or concerns, he would make time to meet with residents. 

Mrs. Pschirrer then began discussions on Town Hall repairs to the west side of the building. Mrs. Downing spoke to Warrant Article #5. She stated that the Town received two quotes. The best quote was from Jancewicz and Son which is a Walpole based contractor. Mr. Tom Aldrich stated that he was concerned about the term “raise” in the warrant’s wording. Mrs. Pschirrer clarified that warrant articles are sent to the State for review, and that bureaucratic protocols of appropriate language must be followed. 

Mr. Kreissle introduced himself to those in attendance and explained the nature of the unassigned fund balance as being: 1. Revenue generated by taxation and 2. Subtract the actual amount of the budget, and the excess goes towards the unassigned fund balance. Mr. Kreissle stated that the present unassigned fund balance is $2,173,455. 

Mr. Walters asked if we should try to lower our tax rate if the unassigned fund balance is high. Mr. Walters stated that the cost of his property tax per month is more than his mortgage. Increased property taxes are a hardship for his family. Mr. Walters asked how much more revenue was generated. Mr. Kreissle stated that the average collection rate is about 96-97%. Mr. Kreissle explained the use of the unassigned fund balance for road repairs after the floods in recent years. Mr. Therrien commented that the value of the houses increased 65%, which affected property tax bills. Mr. Kreissle stated that in the finance budget, there is a separate budget for the tax collector. 

Mrs. Pschirrer invited Mike Symonds to speak to a Highway Block Grant. Mr. Symonds introduced himself as the Road Agent for Walpole. He stated that the highway department would like to mill a section of Main Street from the entrance of the school to the entrance of Agway. Main Street is showing wear. Mr. Symonds stated that the Town has not line painted in two years. Sidewalks within town also need repair. Ms. Epstein asked if there was a date chosen for School Street drainage work. Mr. Dalessio responded that he has just seen the plans for the School Street work, and that it will be discussed in the upcoming Selectboard meeting. Mrs. Pschirrer asked Mr. Symonds if any other streets in Town would be paved. Mr. Symonds identified work to be done on Valley Road, Green Road of North Walpole, Hooper Road, and Alice Smith Road. 

Mr. Paul Looney, chair of the Walpole Community Power Committee, and Mr. Hoy of the Recycling Center spoke about the proposal to add solar panels at the Recycling Center. Mr. Looney discussed the process of putting solar panels on the new storage building. Mr. Looney stated that the 80 panels would generate 40,000 kilowatt hours per year, which would be shared with the Walpole Town Hall. He stated that the vendor with the lowest cost was chosen. Based on estimates, the system will pay for itself in 6.5 years. He commented that the ability for a panel to generate power becomes reduced at 25 years. Mr. Hoy stated that the new storage building’s roof was adjusted for the installation of solar panels. Mr. Varone asked for dollar value savings per year from this installation. Mr. Looney answered with approximately $8,000 a year. Mr. Varone asked for further calculations to include the cost of decommissioning and disposal of the panels. Mr. Varone stated that using the concept of opportunity costs, the estimates presented may need to be looked at. Mr. Hoy explained that the Town of Walpole takes recycling seriously. Mr. Palmiotto added that there is the environmental benefit from adding solar panels. They will produce clean energy.

Mrs. Pschirrer explained the Town balances of the municipal, highway, police, town wide assessment, and recycling capital reserve funds. She spoke to how much the Town will be asking residents to consider increasing each reserve fund balance. Every five years the Town must complete a town-wide assessment, and a new capital reserve fund has been put forward for consideration. 

Mrs. Pschirrer spoke of the importance of attending the upcoming town meeting. 

Mr. Wes Vickers asked if discussion of Article #11 could take place. He suggested that the Select board speak to the Town attorney about the overcharging that was disclosed in the previous night’s school district deliberative session. Can the Town seek a refund after the fiscal year has ended? Mr. Vickers stated that the Town has zero control over Walpole Elementary School. He highly recommends that the Town establish this preliminary committee to explore alternative options to the present school structure. The school district does plan on changing the articles of agreement. Mr. Varone stated that this discussion is about doing what is best for Walpole and having local control and autonomy in decision-making. Mr. Varone spoke about the options eligible for consideration if the committee were to be formed. 

Mrs. Pschirrer briefly commented upon a petition warrant concerning removing electronic voting machines and moving to solely hand counting paper ballots.


Mrs. Pschirrer declared the meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 2/1/24

Selectboard Present:  Peggy Pschirrer, Chair; Cheryl Mayberry and Steven Dalessio

Staff Present: Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration; Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary

Others Present: Steve Varone, Jackie Ronning and Lil Decoste

CALL TO ORDER:  Mrs. Pschirrer called this Selectboard meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the Walpole Town Hall. She introduced herself, Peggy Pschirrer, Selectboard Chair, Cheryl Mayberry, Steve Dalessio, Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration, and Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary.  


2024 Warrant Article #11: Mrs. Pschirrer read Warrant #11 regarding a Walpole school study committee. Mr. Varone commented that the issue is in three parts: the first is to form a Walpole School District, then tuition high school students elsewhere; the second is to partner with SAU29 where the Town circumstances are similar to that school district; the third, where do the Walpole children go to high school. He stated that a Walpole schoolboard would take on the responsibility of providing an education for K-8 students within the Town if it was formed. Mr. Varone described that the State mandated method of apportionment is 50% on number of students, and 50% on tax base. Presently with SAU 60, Walpole has 29% of the students and 42% of the tax base. Mr. Varone then offered a comparison to SAU 29 in which Walpole would comprise 12.97% of the tax base and 10.4% of students. Walpole has a similar tax base with towns in SAU 29. It is possible for Walpole to form its own SAU (School Administrative Unit), but this would be a longer, more complicated process. Mr. Varone brought attention to the issue of where Walpole would send their high school students. One option is to choose the high school the children are sent based upon zip code. Mrs. Pschirrer apologized that the Selectboard was unable to meet with SAU 29 today. 

Mrs. Ronning stated that she was here as a private citizen, not as an employee of the school district (SAU 60). She believes that within the Walpole attendance area, autonomy is being lost. She reflected on changes within the Walpole schools. Mrs. Ronning’s is worried about continuing in a district that is continually taking away the amount of hours teachers can give students. Within the Walpole Schools there are many certified teachers, and this is not true in other parts of the State. Having teachers create their own curriculum far outweighs what might be handed down through the school district. Mrs. Ronning stated that as a parent, other parents within Town want to keep their autonomy. 

Mr. Varone stated that this issue is about local control; making sure Walpole dollars stay in Walpole. Mrs. Pschirrer stated that the Selectboard views this issue as important, and that the Town be allowed to discuss and decide. Mrs. Decoste spoke about her concerns of losing local control by joining SAU 29. Mr. Dalessio stated he sat on the Charlestown withdrawal committee, and a concern raised was that if Charlestown left, Walpole would be the majority within the district. Mrs. Pschirrer reflected on two issues being discussed: the formation of a Walpole school board, and which SAU to send high school students. Mr. Dalessio reflected that the warrant was intended to allow Town residents to decide on whether or not to pursue this matter. Mrs. Pschirrer stated that next week the Town will be having a budget overview. She can see how the discussion of this warrant may consume the entire meeting. Mrs. Pschirrer stated there is a disconnect between test scores for the Fall Mountain High School and test scores for Walpole Schools. Ms. Ronning stated that the data for all the attendance areas for testing for K-8 is district-wide. Mr. Varone coordinated with the Selectboard on choosing rescheduling dates for a meeting with SAU 29. 

PAYROLL: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Payroll Register totaling $36,052.82 dated 2/02/24 and the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer of $7,362.19. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


SELECTBOARD MEETING MINUTES, January 25, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Meeting minutes of January 25, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

SELECTBOARD NON-PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES, January 25, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Non-Public Meeting minutes of January 25, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved. The minutes will remain sealed. 


Walpole Water Fees: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the Walpole Water Warrant for $42,439.62. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

North Walpole Sewer Fees: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the North Walpole Sewer Warrant for $56,524.14. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Walpole Sewer Fees: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the Walpole Sewer Warrant for $72,591.63. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 005-005-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to accept the solar energy exemption for Map and Lot# 005-005-000. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 004-044-002 and 003: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the timber intent for Map and Lot# 004-044-002 and 003. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


2024 Warrant Article Listing: Mrs. Pschirrer asked if Mrs. Downing would reprint the warrant articles for the Selectboard to sign after two edits were made. Mr. Dalessio motioned to accept the 2024 Town Meeting Warrant as presented. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

2024 Budget: Mrs. Pschirrer reflected that the Selectboard has the budget before adjustments, and an adjusted copy. Mr. Dalessio motioned to accept the 2024 adjusted budget. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

North Walpole Water Utility Discontinuance of Service Agreement with Walpole Water Utility

Ms. Mayberry stated that North Walpole should review the document before signing. Mrs. Pschirrer asked Mrs. Downing to send this to the North Walpole Commissioners for review, and comment that it has been reviewed by the Selectboard. 

Budget Hearing: Mrs. Pschirrer stated she has created a PowerPoint for the budget hearing, and asked if the other two members would review and provide feedback before it is presented. Mr. Dalessio and Ms. Mayberry reviewed and made comments on the prepared PowerPoint presentation. 

Pending Further Action: Mr. Dalessio stated there will be updates on School Street, Houghton Brook Bridge, and Reservoir Dam projects for next week’s meeting.  


2023 Town Report Covers: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that the Selectboard must choose from the options chosen for the 2023 Town Report Cover. The second option was chosen to be the cover. 

2023 Landfill Post Closure Report: Ms. Mayberry motioned to have chair sign the 2023 Landfill Post Closure Report from McKibben Environment LLC. Seconded by Mr. Dalessio. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Walpole Fire and EMS District Meeting: Mrs. Pschirrer asked if the Selectboard wanted to reschedule the meeting for 3/21/2024 because it conflicts with the Walpole Fire and EMS District Meeting. The Selectboard agreed to move this Selectboard meeting to 3/20/2024. 

CRLAC: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that information of the Cold River Local Advisory Committee (CRLAC) chair’s departure will be sent to the Conservation Committee.

Graffiti: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that a resident had written a letter about graffiti on Fanny Mason Hiking Trail. Mr. Dalessio stated that the police department could be asked to put up a camera. Ms. Mayberry stated she would follow up on this issue. 

Eagle Scouts: Mr. Dalessio stated that on 2/19/2024 there will tentatively be a Court of Honor for two Eagle Scouts. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into the Hooper Trustees meeting at 7:51 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting was reconvened at 8:00 PM. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into the Non-Public meeting at 8:01 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 8:22 PM. 

Mrs. Pschirrer declared the nonpublic minutes would be sealed. 


Mrs. Pschirrer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 1/25/24

Selectboard Present:  Peggy Pschirrer, Chair; Cheryl Mayberry and Steve Dalessio

Staff Present: Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration; Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER:  Mrs. Pschirrer called this Selectboard meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the Walpole Town Hall. She introduced herself, Peggy Pschirrer, Selectboard Chair, Cheryl Mayberry, Steve Dalessio, Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration, and Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary.  

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Accounts Payable totaling $1,533,633.95 for checks dated 1/26/24. This includes two payments to Fall Mt. Regional School District for December 2023 and January 2024 billings. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

PAYROLL: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Payroll Register totaling $36,775.17 dated 1/26/24 and the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer of $8,077.01. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


SELECTBOARD MEETING MINUTES – January 11, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Meeting minutes of January 11, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

SELECTBOARD NON-PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES – January 11, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Non-Public Meeting minutes of January 11, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved. The minutes will remain sealed. 

SELECTBOARD MEETING MINUTES – January 18, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Meeting minutes of January 18, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

SELECTBOARD NON-PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES – January 18, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Selectboard Non-Public Meeting minutes of January 18, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved. The minutes will remain sealed. 


Mr. Dalessio brought the following committee reports to the chair’s attention.

   • North Walpole Village Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes – December 26, 2023

   • North Walpole Village Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes – January 2, 2024

   • North Walpole Village Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes – January 10, 2024

   • North Walpole Village Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes – January 17, 2024

   • Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes – January 8, 2024

   • Library Trustees Meeting Minutes – January 9. 2024

   • Planning Board Meeting Minutes – January 9, 2024

   • Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes – January 17, 2024

The chair acknowledged these minutes. 


Map and Lot# 017-008-001: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the solar energy exemption for Map and Lot# 017-008-001. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


2024-02, Map and Lot# 004-047-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the building permit for Map and Lot# 004-047-000 to construct a 24’ x 20’ one car garage addition. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


2024 Draft Warrant Articles: Mrs. Pschirrer pointed to a revision of a 2024 warrant article #3 to include the line “$200,000 plus/minus 2.6 acres of land from Ballpark Realty LLC.”  She then made corrections to warrant article #4 to increase the total funds from $330,000 to $400,000. Mr. Dalessio commented that the $400,000 is to come from Highway Block Grant funds, and he revised the descriptive language to reflect the work to be done. Mrs. Pschirrer then revised warrant article #5 to remove the language “with a window installation”.  Warrant #7 was revised to include funds for a boiler in the sum of $40,000.

Pending Further Action: Mr. Dalessio updated the Board that he has been in contact with Fuss & O’Neil with a request that they make a presentation of the status of their projects.


Cemetery Deed: Ms. Mayberry motioned to accept cemetery deeds D584 and D585 in the amount of $400 each. Seconded by Mr. Dalessio. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

E.E. Houghton Contract: Mr. Dalessio motioned to allow the chair to sign the contract to E.E. Houghton contract agreement as related to First Net/AT&T. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

2013 Sewer Lien: Mrs. Pschirrer reflected a property owner bringing to the Town’s attention an existing lien. Mrs. Pschirrer found consensus with the Selectboard members present that the property owner would be responsible for the $543.02 sewer lien with 3% interest applied, for a total of $741.64. It was agreed that the tax collector would take care of this lien. 

Recreation Committee Member Resignation: Mrs. Pschirrer pointed to a letter from David Kuniholm resigning from the Recreation Committee. Consensus of the Selectboard was reached to accept this letter.

Selectboard Meeting Date for Next Week: After some discussion, Mrs. Pschirrer stated that next week’s Selectboard meeting would remain scheduled for 2/01/2024 at the regular time of 6:30 PM. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into the Hooper Trustees meeting at 7:00 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 7:03 PM. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into Non-Public meeting at 7:04 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 7:42 PM. 

Mrs. Pschirrer declared the nonpublic minutes would be sealed. 

Ms. Mayberry motioned to raise the per employee dental amount from $1,000 to $1,200 for dental benefits. Seconded by Mr. Dalessio. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


Mrs. Pschirrer declared the meeting adjourned at 7:44 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary 



Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 2/1/24

Selectboard Meeting Minutes. 1/18/24

Selectboard Present:  Peggy Pschirrer, Chair; Cheryl Mayberry; Steve Dalessio

Staff Present: Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration; Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary

Others Present: Janet Clough

CALL TO ORDER:  Mrs. Pschirrer called this Selectboard meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the Selectboard Office of the Walpole Town Hall. She introduced herself, Peggy Pschirrer, Selectboard Chair, Cheryl Mayberry, Steve Dalessio, Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration, and Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into Non-Public meeting at 6:31 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 7:22 PM. 

Mrs. Pschirrer declared the nonpublic minutes would be sealed. 

PAYROLL: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Payroll Register totaling $32,981.62 dated 1/19/2024and the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer of $7,395.98. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 029-005-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the refund for Map and Lot# 029-005-000 for $99.00. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Map and Lot# 018-001-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the refund for Map and Lot# 018-001-000 for $2,224.00. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Map and Lot# 029-005-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the refund for Map and Lot# 012-068-000 for $25.00. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Meeting with SAU29: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that SAU 29 has scheduled their visit for 2/1/2024 at 8:00 AM. 

School Warrant Article: Mrs. Pschirrer commented that she received a response from Attorney Hockensmith stating that the schoolboard or the Town can establish a committee to leave a school district. 

2024 Draft Warrant Articles: Mrs. Pschirrer reviewed RSA 195.25 as it relates to a town forming anadvisory committee to explore the possibility of leaving a school district. Discussion of the articles of agreement took place. The wording of the proposed warrant article was worked upon by those present. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into the Hooper Trustees meeting at 7:40 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 7:53 PM. 


The Selectboard discussed revisions to the Town’s welfare guidelines, to be updated by 6/2024. A consensus was reached that the welfare officer should present quarterly reports to the Selectboard. 


Mrs. Pschirrer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary

Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 1/11/24

Selectboard Present:  Peggy Pschirrer, Chair; Cheryl Mayberry and Steven Dalessio

Staff Present: Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration

Others Present: Steve Varone, Peter Graves and Joanna Andros

CALL TO ORDER:  Mrs. Pschirrer called this Selectboard meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the Selectboard Office of the Town Hall. She introduced herself, Peggy Pschirrer, Selectboard Chair, Cheryl Mayberry, Steve Dalessio, and Sarah Downing, Manager of Administration. She introduced those in attendance, Steve Varone, Peter Graves, and Joey Andros.


Meeting with SAU 29: Mr. Varone stated that an invitation has been sent from Keene. He advised the Selectboard de-politicize the matter, with just the three of the Selectboard going. The Selectboard stated they would prefer Mr. Varone attend the meeting with them. An agreement was reached to request 1/25/2024 in the morning for a meeting with SAU 29 with, 2/1/2024 being the backup date. Discussion of the Town’s assigned school district took place, in which an analysis of the geographic proximity compared to Fall Mountain and Keene High Schools. Mrs. Pschirrer commented on the increasing education costs and declining enrollments across the state. Mr. Graves discussed his personal experience with SAU 60.  

Public Comment: Mr. Graves asked if Mrs. Pschirrer would be running for Selectboard. She stated that she would not be. Mr. Graves asked about the severance pay of a previous Town employee. Mr. Graves asked the date of the Budget Hearing. Mrs. Pschirrer responded that this was scheduled for 2/8/2024 at 5:30 PM. Mr. Graves asked about the police station. Mr. Dalessio stated that the town is considering purchasing property to build the new police station. Mr. Graves stated that he would prefer less of a surplus in the Town budget. Mr. Graves asked why the Highway Department should have a surplus; to which Mr. Dalessio responded that the budget must allow for an unknown amount of overtime during winter months.

Ms. Andros spoke to ongoing projects on the list from the Selectboard agenda. Mr. Dalessio stated that the bridge and school projects are presently in engineering. Ms. Andros stated her concern about trees along the banks of the Mad Brook. Mr. Dalessio explained that DES has stated the natural flow of the stream/river must be upheld, in spite of the effects of high water-flow. Ms. Andros sees collapsed culverts and other places caving in, and asked if a private owner could do anything about erosion on their property. Ms. Andros spoke to her concerns over “global warming” affecting the Town’s budget, and how it should be included within the Master Plan.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Accounts Payable totaling $1,110,830.33 dated 1/12/24. This includes a $700,531.17 payment to Fall Mt. Regional School District for November billing. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

Ms. Mayberry motioned to release the December payment to Fall Mt. Regional School District in the amount of $700,531.17. Seconded by Mr. Dalessio. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

PAYROLL: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve the Payroll Register totaling $30,835.02 dated 1/12/24 and the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer of $6,535.68. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.


SELECTBOARD MEETING MINUTES, January 3, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve of the Selectboard Meeting minutes of January 3, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

SELECTBOARD NON-PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES, January 3, 2024: Mr. Dalessio moved to approve of the Selectboard Non-Public Meeting minutes as amended of January 3, 2024. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved. The minutes will remain sealed. 


Map and Lot# 028-161-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the abatement and refund for Map and Lot# 028-161-000 for $1,004. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 028-161-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the supplemental tax warrant for Map and Lot# 028-161-000 for $1,004. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 027-001-006: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the refund for Map and Lot# 027-001-006 for $13.10. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Map and Lot# 008-088-001: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the refund for Map and Lot# 008-088001 for $8,913.00. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 008-009-011: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the solar energy exemption for Map and Lot# 008-009-011. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Map and Lot# 010-020-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the solar energy exemption for Map and Lot# 010-020-000. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.

Map and Lot# 030-008-000: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the solar energy exemption for Map and Lot# 030-008-000. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 011-043-002: Mr. Dalessio motioned to accept the current use assessment for Map and Lot# 011-043-002. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Map and Lot# 003-074-001: Mr. Dalessio motioned to approve the timber intent for Map and Lot# 003-074-001. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor the motion was approved.


Selectboard Meeting date: Mrs. Pschirrer confirmed that 1/18/2024 would be the date of the next Selectboard meeting. 


Request to Trustees of Trust Funds: Mr. Dalessio motioned to issue a check for $1,025 from the Fanny Mason Fund to reimburse the Town for expenditures for cleaning Route 12 rest areas. Seconded by Ms. Mayberry. With Mr. Dalessio, Ms. Mayberry, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

Closed Landfill Report: Mrs. Downing commented in the report there are certain elements, like iron and manganese, which are higher. The water table at the landfill was higher than normal for this round of testing.

Request to Use the Town Hall: Mrs. Pschirrer stated there was a request from Monadnock United Way to use the Town Hall for no fee. Mrs. Pschirrer commented that this organization would be added to the list of organizations which can use the Town Hall without a fee.

SWRPC WINTER MEETING: Mrs. Pschirrer stated that 2/13/2024 will be the next SWRPC meeting. 

Mrs. Pschirrer commented that the Selectboard received a thank you letter from the Town librarian. 


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into the Non-Public meeting at 7:26 PM. Mr. Dalessio seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mr. Dalessio, and Mrs. Pschirrer in favor, the motion was approved.

The meeting reconvened at 8:32 PM. 

Mrs. Pschirrer declared the nonpublic minutes would be sealed. 


Mrs. Pschirrer declared the meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ahmad Esfahani, Recording Secretary

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – 1/25/24