Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 11/3/22

Selectboard Present:      Steven Dalessio, Chair; Peggy L. Pschirrer; Cheryl Mayberry

CALL TO ORDER:  Mr. Dalessio called this meeting of the Selectboard to order at 6:30 PM in the Walpole Town Hall. One member of the public present, Tom Winmill.

PETITION ZONING WARRANTS: Mr. Tom Winmill was seeking signatures from the Selectboard for two petition warrants for Town Meeting. The warrants are to amend a couple of zoning ordinances. Mr. Winmill was also seeking an endorsement from the Selectboard for the petition warrant articles.

Mr. Winmill stated that for the first warrant article, the penalty provision would change in the zoning ordinance for the area south of the Cold River. Currently the current zoning article has a $500.00 maximum penalty which is too small an amount. The zoning ordinance is out of sync with the NH statues which have a maximum penalty of $550 per day with no maximum.

Mr. Rosko joined the meeting at 6:33 PM.

The second petition article is to amend the zoning ordinance by defining restaurant and retail businesses per Mr. Winmill. He reviewed the Hanover, NH Zoning Ordinance and use the text for the article. The change would exclude under the restaurant definition “to provide food for offsite consumption”. It would also define a retail building as one to exclude drive through service. It would redefine the development of Walpole’s commercial area.

There was a discussion related to the three ways a warrant article is placed on the Town warrant. Mr. Winmill obtained more than 25 signatures for each petition. Mr. Dalessio advised that the signatures must be from Walpole registered voters with both a signature and printed name on the petition form. As a Selectboard member, Mr. Dalessio does not sign petition warrant articles. Additionally, the Board abstains from endorsing petition articles. He felt if an article is put forth by the voters, the voters should decide if it passes or not. Mrs. Pschirrer agreed.

The question of the requirement for a public hearing was asked. Warrant article text will be reviewed by the Town attorney and the Department of Revenue Administration (DRA). Mr. Winmill asked if the Town attorney could recommend edits. Mr. Dalessio said yes.

Mr. Winmill departed the meeting at 6:32PM

SKATING RINK:  Mr. Dalessio asked Mr. Rosko if he was interested in taking over the skating rink? Mr. Ron Rosko was not enthusiastic about last year’s ice rink set-up. He felt the setup was too small; it’s fine for one person. In the past, the entire field was flooded. Mr. Rosko would be willing to take over and learn about the rink. It means a great deal to him having spent a lot of time there as a youth.  There was a discussion about snow removal.  It can be labor intensive per Mr. Rosko. In the past, the Town removed the snow. Mr. Dalessio said the current rink set-up was purchased since there isn’t always snowpack or frozen ground to preserve the ice.  Mrs. Pschirrer stated the current rink could have extensions added to it. There was a discussion of the desired size of the rink, a liner and edge boards. Ms. Mayberry reviewed the process of making the ice with an additive and filling the area gradually, with layers of ice.

Mr. Dalessio stated the idea needed to go before the Recreation Committee. Ms. Mayberry asked that the vision of the change be written. Ms. Mayberry would bring the request before the Recreation Committee.

Mr. Rosko departed the meeting at 6:59 PM.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: There were none this week per Ms. Mayberry.


Ms. Mayberry moved to accept the Payroll Check Register for the week ending October 29, 2022, in the amount of $32,388.60 dated November 4, 2022, and for the 941 Payroll Tax Transfer in the amount of $6,030.54.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the motion was approved.


SELECTBOARD MEETING – October 27, 2022Ms. Mayberry moved to accept the Minutes of the Selectboard meeting of October 27, 2022, as submitted.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the Minutes were approved.

NON-PUBLIC SELECTBOARD SESSION – October 27, 2022:  Ms. Mayberry moved to accept the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard Session of October 27, 2022, as submitted.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the Minutes were approved. The minutes are to remain sealed.


The Selectboard acknowledged receipt of the following Committee reports:


Map and Lot# 012-013-2U2: Ms. Mayberry moved to approve to approve a property tax refund to the owner of Map and Lot# 012-013-2U2 in the amount of $5.42. Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the motion was approved.


Pending Further ActionsGenerators, Parking Ordinance, Three Phase Power for Industrial Park Drive and Bensonwood, School and Old North Main Bridges/Culverts:

School and Union Streets Drainage Project: The Fuss and O’Neill contract amendment will be tabled until next week. The Selectboard is researching whether the gully was man-made or is a seasonal stream.

Streetlights on Kilburn and Spruce Streets: Mr. Dalessio visited Kilburn Street. He felt that the streetlight could be turned off, but it will make the area darker. Spruce Street cannot be removed but needs to be modified. The Selectboard would like a confirmation that the abutters to the streetlight area agree to having the light removed. A follow-up note will be sent to the Olivers.


Multi or Single Year Assessing Agreement: Mrs. Pschirrer moved that the Selectboard sign the one year assessing contract with Avitar Associates of New England for $12, 996. Ms. Mayberry seconded. With Mrs. Pschirrer, Ms. Mayberry and Mr. Dalessio voting in favor, the motion was approved.

Utility Pole Easement Agreement: Ms. Mayberry moved that the Selectboard sign the Utility Pole Easement Agreement with Liberty Utilities to add an anchor and guidewires to a pole at the south end of the Common.  Mrs. Pschirrer seconded. With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer, and Mr. Dalessio voting in favor, the motion was approved.

NHMA Notice: The Selectboard reached a consensus that legal notes sent by the NHMA to the Town from 2009 to 2015 are to be returned to the Town. A follow-up note will be sent to the NHMA.

Fire Hydrant Flushing Complaint: The gouging of the roadside on Union Street caused by hydrant flushing will be fixed.

2022 Tax Rate: The MS-535 form was uploaded by the auditors to the DRA web portal this afternoon stated Mr. Dalessio. Once the DRA reviews and approves, the form will be available for Selectboard review and sign. The school district has several forms that need to be uploaded to the portal.


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into a Hooper Trustees Meeting.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the motion was approved at 7:29 PM.


Ms. Mayberry moved to enter into a Non-Public Selectboard Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel, (c) Reputations and (e) Legal.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With Ms. Mayberry, Mrs. Pschirrer and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the motion was approved. These minutes are to remain sealed.

The regular Selectboard meeting reconvened at 8:17 PM.


Mrs. Pschirrer moved to adjourn this Selectboard meeting.  Seconded by Ms. Mayberry.  Mr. Dalessio asked if there was any additional discussion.  There was none.  With Mrs. Pschirrer, Ms. Mayberry and Mr. Dalessio in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Downing, Recording Secretary Pro Tempore

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