Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 9/22/16



SEPTEMBER 22, 2016


Selectboard Present:     Steven Dalessio (Chair); Peggy Pschirrer; Whitney Aldrich (late)

CALL TO ORDER:  Mr. Dalessio called this Selectboard meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the Walpole Town Hall.  He advised that this meeting is being recorded and asked anyone wishing to speak to identify themselves for the record.  There were four people in the audience.



Health Trust Dental Insurance Proposal – Melissa Hopf of Health Trust: Ms. Hopf of the Health Trust is the Health Benefits Advisor covering the Town of Walpole for medical coverage.  She was present to focus on the dental coverage.  Delta Dental is headquartered in Concord.  Keene is their nearest location. Mr. Dalessio explained that the Town employees are now covered under a dental policy through the Fall Mountain Regional School District.  Ms. Hopf picked five options that they offer and explained the coverages.  They have many other plans that the Selectboard could look at.  She had left a booklet of information and went through several sections. If the employees are enrolled in this plan they would have a Delta Dental card to show the dentist, have their treatments and the dentist will submit his bill to the company.  Some plans have a deductible, some do not.  Dental coverage rates for 2017 will be decided at the Board of Directors meeting on October 18th.  She feels they will be close to the 2016 rates.  Information would be provided to each employee on how the plan works.  Health Trust has a web-site where enrollees can access information.  Delta Dental also has a web-site.  A list of dentists in this area is available.

The Wellness Program goes along with the health coverage.  The Town of Walpole has access to it now.

  • The Slice of Life is an incentive program for people to participate in healthier activities. It opens with a health assessment; a 15 minute health questionnaire, done on-line, that is confidential.  This program continues with other incentives.
  • Health Awareness Program covers any classes (yoga, nutritional, etc.) an employee takes and reimburses them $100.00/year. Families could get up to $200 for children under age 18 for the similar programs.
  • Smart Shopper is a tool that can be used to shop for more cost effective facilities for procedures (mammograms, MRIs). The incentives are different per procedure.
  • Live Health On-Line is one of the newest programs. People can do virtual visits with board-certified doctors and licensed therapist.  It is great if people are on traveling and not familiar with health facilities, doctors, etc. in that area.
  • Life Resources is the employee assistance program for referrals to free consultations with legal, financial and social services experts, caregiver support and educational resources through online and in-person trainings. Anybody affiliated with the Town can use this.

Ms. Hopf pointed out that all the benefits will be discussed during their Health Trust Benefits Overview Presentation meeting with the full-time employees on Friday, October 21st from 1-2:00 PM in the Walpole Town Hall.

Playground Building UpdateMr. Sam Jacobs, Principal of Walpole School, reported that school is running smoothly so far.  It is very busy.  The wooden fence by the pool belongs to the School.  Mr. Jacobs has been in the Walpole School District for 37 years.  He is always amazed at the support they get.  They are getting ready for the new playground.  About $88,000 has been raised for this project.  Some equipment has arrived and the rest should arrive on Thursday.  A part of the fence was taken down to make room for the large truck that will be making the delivery so it does not run over the soccer field.  LaValley’s has donated about 150 bags of concrete and patio blocks.  He has a very active group of parents and community members who are excited about this.  A group of volunteers will be there on Friday, September 30th and also Saturday, October 1st which is the day it will go up.  The PTG will take care of the food but other groups will be donating food including the Women of WalpoleMr. Jacobs provided pictures of what the playground will look like when completed.  Some employees from Bensonwood will lay out the boundary of the playground.  Mr. Mark Houghton and his crew have been clearing out brush at the edge of the woods and will dig down about 8-inches for the mulch.  They are looking good; it is coming together.  Every day the students have a count-down.  (Mr. Whitney Aldrich came into the meeting.)               



Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Accounts Payable check register in the amount of $35,927.16 for checks dated September 23, 2016.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.


Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Payroll Voucher for the week ending September 17, 2016, in the amount of $20,381.95 for checks dated September 23, 2016.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.


Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the electronic fund transfer for the 941 Employer Taxes for Withholding, MEDI and FICA in the amount of $4,235.02 for the week ending September 17, 2016.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.



SELECTBOARD MEETING – September 15, 2016:  Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of September 15, 2016, as submitted.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the Minutes were approved.


NON-PUBLIC SELECTBOARD SESSION – September 15, 2016:  Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard Session of September 15, 2016, with a correction.  These Minutes will remain sealed.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the Minutes were approved.


STAFF MEETING – September 15, 2016Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept the Minutes of the Staff Meeting of September 15, 2016, as submitted.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the Minutes were approved.



The Selectboard received and reviewed Minutes of the following meeting:

  • Walpole Cemetery Trustees Meeting – September 17, 2016.

Mrs. Pschirrer will talk to Mr. Dale Woodward regarding two Trust Funds as mentioned in these meeting Minutes.



Water and Sewer Liens:  Mrs. Linda Edkins is very busy right now with prepping for the next water and sewer billings.  Mrs. Downing asked that this be put off for a while plus Mr. Mark Houghton is busy.  Mr. Dalessio recommended that the Selectboard put this off but that it be done before the 2017 Town Meeting.

Selectboard Meeting –September 22, 2016- Page 3


Personnel Policy Handbook Up-date:  Mrs. Pschirrer had finalized the draft.  She will email the other Selectboard members to let them know what sections she feels they should look at.  Large portions remain exactly the same.  Mr. Dalessio pointed out that they have to send it to a legal attorney to review it.


Boston Post Cane Celebration Date and Time:  The date was set for the presentation of the Boston Post Cane for Thursday, November 17th at 5:30 PM in the Walpole Town Hall.  There will be light refreshments.   


Short-term Disability & Medical Coverage:  Mr. Dalessio did some research on other towns and this will be a unique benefit for Walpole.  If an employee does not use their vacation or sick time the Town will pay for the medical coverage.  However if the employee elects to use their vacation or sick time the Town will not pay for the medical coverage because they will be getting their full pay.  Mrs. Pschirrer will add this to the Personnel Policy Handbook Up-date.


Salary Survey: Mr. Dalessio reported that they have a proposal.  It will take four weeks to get it done.

Mrs. Pschirrer moved to approve the proposal from MRI to do a salary survey for the amount of $3,000.00 and to authorize the Chair of the Selectboard, Mr. Dalessio, to sign it.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.


Pleasant Street: Mr. Jack Neary removed his sign because Mr. Mike Rau gave him the idea that the Selectboard would not have a problem moving it.  Mr. Rau was concerned with the two signs; Mr. Neary’s sign and the “No Parking” sign.  Mr. Neary has another proposal for the location of his sign where it would be very visible and only about 50-feet away from where he had proposed to put it in the first place.  He wants the “Pedestrian–Slow” sign to be very visible.  Mrs. Pschirrer advised that once they made the decision on where the signs would go they dropped it. Mr. Dalessio stated that the decision on location of the signs will be up to Mr. Rau as he is qualified to do that.



Citizen Thank You:  The Selectboard acknowledged receipt of a Thank You note from Mr. Rich Boudreau.  He wanted the Selectboard to know how kind and professional Police Chief Mike Paquette and his officers have been to them.  They appreciate it very much.

Commercial Brush Disposal Fee Change Request:  A letter was received from Mr. Paul Colburn, Solid Waste Manager.  He suggested a fee of $20.00 to $30.00 per load from landscapers and other commercial entities who bring their brush to the Walpole Recycling and Transfer Station.  As one load may be heavier than the next the price would be at the discretion of the attendant.

Mrs. Pschirrer moved to accept this recommendation from Mr. Colburn to have a fee of $30.00 per load from landscapers and other commercial entities who bring their brush to the Walpole Recycling and Transfer Station.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Forest Fire Bill:  Mrs. Pschirrer moved to authorize the Chair of the Selectboard, Mr. Dalessio, to sign the Forest Fire Bill in the amount of $1,001.52 to the State of New Hampshire for responding to a brush fire in the Town of Acworth.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Citizen Complaint Re: Whipple Hill Road:  A Citizen Complaint form regarding Whipple Hill Road was turned over to Police Chief Michael Paquette.



Mr. Aldrich moved to enter into a Non-Public Selectboard Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel, (c) Reputations and (d) Acquisition, Sale or Lease of Real or Personal Property.  Mrs. Pschirrer seconded the motion, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion was approved at 7:42 PM.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:58 PM.


Mrs. Pschirrer moved that the Minutes of the Selectboard meeting of September 22, 2016, be sealed.  Seconded by Mr. Aldrich.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.



Mr. Aldrich moved to recess this Selectboard meeting.  The Selectboard will enter into a meeting as the Hooper Trustees.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

The regular Selectboard meeting resumed at 8:15 PM.



Mr. Aldrich moved to adjourn this meeting.  Seconded by Mrs. Pschirrer.  With all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

7 thoughts on “Selectboard Meeting Minutes – 9/22/16

  1. Jack 10/11/2016 at 11:12 PM Reply

    The yellow and white lines need to be repainted badly on Upper Walpole Road, very hard to see them in the fog and now that we have more dark time as we head into fall and winter. How does one get the attention of the department that’s responsible for this, or to find out that it may already be on their list of things to do. Thanks.


    • Jack 10/25/2016 at 3:57 PM Reply

      I tried contacting the highway dept. but no luck, maybe NH DOT, any other ideas/suggestions. I can’t be the only one that’s noticing this, especially since the highway dept probably travels that road everyday.


      • Lil 10/25/2016 at 5:23 PM

        Have you contacted the Selectboard? Not everyone reads comments.


  2. Jack 10/25/2016 at 8:42 PM Reply

    Comment section has always worked for me and others before lol. How does one contact the Selectboard? Thanks


    • Lil 10/26/2016 at 7:36 AM Reply

      They meet on Thursday night or you could also stop in the Ton Hall and talk to Sarah Downing.


  3. Jack 10/30/2016 at 1:10 PM Reply

    Thanks again for the info!


    • Lil 10/30/2016 at 5:46 PM Reply

      That is what The Walpolean is here for!


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